Troop 172 Adult Leadership

Troops 172B and 172G share adult committee leadership, but have seperate dedicated Scoutmasters.

All Adult Leaders , and/or Parents who support our youth at meetings, events , driving  or have  any direct contact with Scouts) have received current BSA Youth Protection Training, have supplied State of PA required background clearances and are registered with Washington Crossing Council.  


 Heather Mahon - Committee Chairperson

Committee Members:

Robyn Hilliard - Secretary

Jenna Trausi - Treasurer

Sara Gift - Advancement

Meghan DiCicco - New Member Coordinator

 Landa Spruhde - at large

Mike Wood - at large

Jill Wahl - at large

Scoutmaster Corp

Bob Smith - Scoutmaster Troop 172B

Rob Spruhde - Scoutmaster Troop 172G

Assistant Scoutmasters:

Scott Gift - ASM / Eagle Mentor

  Adam Hilliard - ASM / OA Advisor

Vinobha Karthik Panner Selvam - ASM Sr.   

Julie Kline - ASM

Sethu Manickavel -ASM

Jeff Menaker - ASM

Ashley Smith - ASM

Kurt Wahl - ASM

Al Singleton - ASM

Aaron Sutton - ASM

We are always looking for parents to join us in supporting our youth.  If you are able to step up to help support the best possible program for our scouts please reach out to Heather Mahon or a Scoutmaster.  Only registered adult leaders are able to camp overngiht with the Troop.

Two pathways for volunteering as a "Scouter":

1) Committee

The Committee is the administrative or parent facing side of the Troop.

2) Scoutmaster Corps

The Scoutmaster corps is the youth facing side of the Troop. 

For both paths, the following is required:

1) BSA Adult Application - Both pages 3 and 6 need to be turned into the Troop

2) You'll need to complete BSA YPT in, we need a copy of the certificate (This is good for 2 years)

3-5) There are 3 required PA volunteer background checks for working with youth, details here:  (These are good for 5 years).

6) Position specific training should be completed online through

7) SM/ASM positions require completion of IOLS (Introduction to Outdoor Leadership Skills) which is a weekend course scheduled multiple times a year.

Scouter Awards:

There are several awards that can be earned during your time as a Scouter.  While our focus is on helping our youth provide the best program possible, the requirements for awards like the Scouter's training award provide a framework for it.

Details on Adult Scouter awards can be found here: